Strengthen your courage and successfully achieve your goals through the teachings of Buddha and the beliefs associated with the Tiger's Eye Stone. This Unisex Japamala encourages you to overcome your fears, break down your barriers, progress on your path and achieve your goals both in your meditation practice and in your daily life. To achieve this goal, a teaching motivates us. Before he was the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who lived far away from the sufferings of normal human life. Out of his thirst for exploration he ventured outside the palace, but discovered illness, elderly age, death and especially the suffering associated with each of them. This revelation touched him so deeply that he wanted to find a solution to this issue. Therefore, he decided to leave the palace and showed courage by abandoning his lifestyle, his comforts, his safety, his destiny as a prince and by facing the unknown and being confronted with the causes of human suffering. This teaching encourages us to trust our inner self, to listen to it and to follow it in order to maintain control and trust when facing fear. Connection with our true self is the key. The expression of courage can also be found in nature. According to belief, the Tiger's Eye stone is known to be a powerful stone of courage that boosts self-confidence, courage and willpower. Its power comes from its connection to mother earth, which allows it to absorb energy. This connection can be established by reconnecting with our inner wild animal. Its energy is considered so powerful that it could completely transform the individual, make him abandon his fears, correct his wrong views, transforming him so deeply that life could take on a completely different meaning. That is why this stone has been nicknamed "The Shapeshifter". To inspire you to conquer your fears when you encounter it, to break down the walls that separate you from yourself, to walk your destined path and encounter happiness, you can wear this Japamala daily with casual clothing, just as you can wear it in your spare time with no dress code to relax and restore your willpower. This Japamala can be useful during meditation as it can encourage you to tame your mind for meditation, especially helping you to connect with your inner self which improves progression. More simply, you can wear it whenever you want to feel safe and strong.
108 Mala Beads are in one size only and are naturally made to fit most people.
Twist around the wrist if necessary, gently using the elasticity of the nylon thread to adjust the mala to fit the wrist.